22-Jan-2010 - AS EVER - UKIP MEP! Let us hope he recovers!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
#0124* - UKIP's GODFREY BLOOMing Stupid - Whores, Plant Pots, Foul Twit TWITTERING
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Whores & Copulating In The Street,
Banned from DEFRA Fishermen's Meeting,
Drunk In The EU Parliament Representing YOU,
Running to avoid payment in a Bordello,
Urinating in Plant Pots & Banned from Hotel,
Drunk @ The Mansion House & Banned,
Quotes UKIP for Diplomatic Imunity When Arrested,
Speech proclaiming French Killing Greenpeace Operative,
Now this string of The Foul Twit TWITTERING!
Whores & Copulating In The Street,
Banned from DEFRA Fishermen's Meeting,
Drunk In The EU Parliament Representing YOU,
Running to avoid payment in a Bordello,
Urinating in Plant Pots & Banned from Hotel,
Drunk @ The Mansion House & Banned,
Quotes UKIP for Diplomatic Imunity When Arrested,
Speech proclaiming French Killing Greenpeace Operative,
Now this string of The Foul Twit TWITTERING!
No Wonder Bloom
Uses a Wing Nut
To Hold His Head On!
- I'll be on Radio 3 Counties today on the subject of Burka at 1 pm http://news.bbc.co.uk/local/threecounties/hi/tv_and_radio/
- Listen to me on Alex Jones TV End of National Sovereignty & The Beginning of Global Servitude http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMvSmG6Hhlk
- twinance Financial Times: Google draws line in the sand http://bit.ly/5Ivd7a
- #cop15 is just a scam http://bit.ly/5roZio
- @DowningStreet is worried about #climate deniers. We should worry more about the stupid Cnuts inside it. http://bit.ly/6OnIbF
- Your problem is not 'climate sceptics' @EdMilibandMP but that your self-serving green agenda is too easy to see through http://bit.ly/6OnIbF
- Delegates at #copenhagen who think they can control the elements are a bunch of stupid self-serving Cnuts. http://bit.ly/6OnIbF #eu
- Delegates at #cop15 who think they can control the elements are a bunch of stupid self-serving Cnuts. http://bit.ly/6OnIbF
- on radio Leeds now!!!http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/playlive/bbc_radio_leeds/#UKIP
- Visit my blog on Climate Change http://blog.godfreybloommep.co.uk/#UKIP
- ' And now - Cameron's cast iron guarantee to the Countryside Alliance.' #ukip
- On radio Humberside today at 12.15. Subject? Alan Johnson's admission that Labour made mistakes on immigration http://bit.ly/1BIea .#ukip
- http://bit.ly/1BIea2
- So now we know why government scientists talk bollocks on climate change#ukip
- Please get me on a quango-I'm skint! #UKIP
- It is cooling stupid!!!!!#UKIP
- So MPs don't like retrospective legislation. Who does? the FSA!#UKIP
- Live on the Jeremy Vine show at 1.00 today http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/ #UKIP
- So our rivers are dirty? Thank you EU 1999 Landfill Directive! #UKIP
- I gather the BBC have admitted the globe is cooling! Well well. #ukip
- I'm wearing a bow tie today- so there! #ukip
- Obama does know how expensive free healthcare is #UKIP
- Likes Dan Taylor's blog http://ddtaylor88.wordpress.com # UKIP
- Enough is enough!!!! http://tinyurl.com/m87qb4 #UKIP
- From nanny state to bully state http://bit.ly/9ajq7 # ukip
- Vote UKIP tomorrow for a REAL change!
- Successful last day campaigning!
- BBC 1 at 6.30 tonight in the mean time you can go have a look at my latest videos on http://www.youtube.com/user/GoddersVision
- I was invited by Whitby fishermen to attend a fisheries meeting. Defra barred me!
- Lord Stoddart of Swindon the Independent Labour Peer Says VOTE UKIP
- I was on Daily Politics today to explain MEPs expenses. Go to http://bit.ly/1OAeTV and put the timer on 03.15.
- http://bit.ly/1OAeTV
- Come on `Dave` why don`t you take on `Nige` live or don`t you box out of your weight?
- Cameron seems to think Kilroy-Silk left UKIP because we are nutters. He thinks we are nutters because we didn`t elect him leader.
- supporting his secretaries Emma and Vicki who are playing cricket for Yapham Ladies tonight!
- Very happy to be quoted in Hugh Muir's Politics diary ( the Guardian) ...without being lynched : http://bit.ly/t2Xdtless
- No to EU internet regulation!!!! http://www.youtube.com/user/GoddersVision
- BBC 5 live on the European elections.Was not too bad (as usual) http://www.bbc.co.uk/fivelive/programmes/mayo.shtml (mark on 41 min)#UKIP
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/fivelive/programmes/mayo.shtml
- @Towler Help Gawain I am confused by twitter!
- Watch my latest videos on gender equality issues.http://www.youtube.com/user/GoddersVision #UKIP
- Watch my new video on GoddersVision http://www.youtube.com/user/GoddersVision #UKIP
- I voted in the economic and monetary affairs committee this morning. Why do they want to regulate on EVERYTHING? #UKIP
- Watch me on http://tinyurl.com/de4zlw timer on 34.15 #ukip
- Tax and spend socialist Ken Clark has put his cock in the custard, it was only a matter of time#UKIP
- Welcome to the mad, mad world of the EU http://tinyurl.com/day7gb #UKIP
- Why does political compassion always involve taking money from good people and giving it to wasters? #UKIP
- Good Piece by Barry Gibson Huddersfield Daily Examiner on Maternity Leave http://tinyurl.com/c95d8r #UKIP
- Just arrived in Brussels.Many things on my desk; constituents mugged in Spain, wind farms, maternity leave... #UKIP
- A bottle of Champagne for anyone who can tell me when Sir Liam Donaldson was right about anything. #UKIP
- Politicians! We are in the shit because we overborrowed. We cannot borrow our way out! #UKIP
- How much has the government spent on Classic FM adverts telling us not to over rev our cars? #UKIP
- Had a young visitor from Strasbourg University today, he asked me what we had voted on today: Couldn't tell him, all rubbish. #UKIP
- Darling says rich EU countries should help poor ones. Could Luxembourg leave the UK a bag of money by the bin behind No 11 asp? #UKIP
- Loony Leila Deen, "greeny Deeny", is on bail for throwing slime over Mandy, Deeny, baby isn't he slimy enough? #UKIP
- On Lord Mandelson's green custard incident "I thought he had sneezed" # UKIP
- Publican looses everything. Get the timer on to 1.35 http://tinyurl.com/df3p9y
- Haven't Police better things to do than catching a publican smoking in his own bar after hours? What is England coming to?
- Gordon Brown has announced he will be devising a system where failure is not rewarded with government money. Ironic or what?
- http://www.youtube.com/user/GoddersVision
Childish or what CLICK HERE
Monday, 07 December 2009 13:23 | ||||||
![]() Legend has it that Cnut the Great, Viking King of England, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, 985-1035, once commanded the waves to stop. Two versions of this story exist, one holding that Cnut really believed that he could do such a thing, the other telling that Cnut’s stunt was merely intended to show that he possessed only the power of any other mortal. Either version contains a lesson in humility for the leaders of the world now assembling in Copenhagen. They believe that with just a stroke of their bureaucratic pens they can control the elements. A directive can be issued, and LO! Climate change will be stopped in its tracks. There is a gulf between the minds of the Great and the Good and reality. They are under the misapprehension that we can command the natural world. Even worse, for us, they think that their meeting to create a ‘global deal’ on CO2 emissions will result in world peace, environmental utopia, and every single human on earth dancing for joy at the prospect of being subject to carbon laws, regulation, and taxes. Yippeeeee! No more flights! Waheeey! No more cars! Yahooo! No electricity! One complete bunch of Cnuts – the editorial team at the Guardian newspaper – believes that it, along with 56 other publications throughout the world, can rightly issue instructions to the world through their editorial columns. The group of 56 newspapers today issued a statement simultaneously urging that there were just 'fourteen days to seal history's judgment on this generation'. The science is complex but the facts are clear. The world needs to take steps to limit temperature rises to 2C, an aim that will require global emissions to peak and begin falling within the next 5-10 years. A bigger rise of 3-4C — the smallest increase we can prudently expect to follow inaction — would parch continents, turning farmland into desert. Half of all species could become extinct, untold millions of people would be displaced, whole nations drowned by the sea. The controversy over emails by British researchers that suggest they tried to suppress inconvenient data has muddied the waters but failed to dent the mass of evidence on which these predictions are based.There is no science which says that 2 degrees is a special point, and that a temperature rise of 3 to 4 degrees will produce the consequences that the Guardian’s biblical prophecies foretell. These are just political targets, dreamt up by political activists. There is no scientific ‘evidence’ on which such predictions are based, and there are no predictions, just the Guardian’s fantasy. There is nothing like this in the IPCC reports. They have made it up. If you can show me otherwise, please be my guest. Complete Cnuts ex-Beatle, Paul McCartney, and IPCC Chair, Rajendra Pachauri were in Brussels last week, pushing lentils. They want to persuade the EU to persuade its citizens to stop eating meat because, according to them, eating meat causes climate change. This is the kind of nonsense that the Copenhagen conference (and the EU) is all about – bossing people about, telling them how they should live their lives and what to have for dinner. We had a barbecue in Brussels to let McCartney and Pachauri know what we thought of their silly plan. Paul Nuttal and me, eating sausages at McCartney and Pachauri. Silly Cnut, the Prince of Wales has been invited to Copenhagen by the Danish government, according to the Times.He will travel to the Danish capital in a seven-seat RAF aircraft. His spokeswoman said that it was not possible to travel on a scheduled flight because of prior engagements and the risk of being delayed. ... In Brazil earlier this year the Prince warned that fighting global warming should have a higher priority on the world’s agenda than fighting poverty, and that there were only eight years left to save the planet.It’s easy for Cnut’s like Prince Charles to convince themselves that private jets are necessary for their job of saving the planet, and that poverty is just a trivial problem. He ought to be setting an example, and cycling to Copenhagen. But Charles won’t be the only Cnut travelling to and around Copenhagen in luxury. The Telegraph reports that On a normal day, Majken Friss Jorgensen, managing director of Copenhagen's biggest limousine company, says her firm has twelve vehicles on the road. During the "summit to save the world", which opens here tomorrow, she will have 200. ... The airport says it is expecting up to 140 extra private jets during the peak period alone, so far over its capacity that the planes will have to fly off to regional airports – or to Sweden – to park, returning to Copenhagen to pick up their VIP passengers.You see, while the world’s top brass pat themselves on the back, arranging for international agreements about what to do with your money, and how to tax and regulate your life, they will be tucking into some of the finest grub in the world, staying in luxurious hotels, and swanning about in carbon-guzzling vehicles, all under the pretence that they are ‘saving the planet’. The Telegraph mentions some other Cnuts... As well 15,000 delegates and officials, 5,000 journalists and 98 world leaders, the Danish capital will be blessed by the presence of Leonardo DiCaprio, Daryl Hannah, Helena Christensen, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Prince Charles.What possible use is there for actor Leonardo DiCaprio at an international conference on climate change? Is it a movie? It’s certainly based on fiction. Maybe he’s playing the Cnut? Remember, you can’t go to this conference to have your say about your own future, and nobody has asked you what you want the British or EU governments to do in Copenhagen. But DiCaprio is given VIP treatment. All you need to get a seat at this table, it seems, is the right number of millions of dollars in the bank. Then everyone will celebrate your heroic efforts to prevent Armageddon. Meanwhile, you and I will have to pick up the tab for this face-stuffing opportunity for the rich and famous, and live with the aftermath. Our Prime Minister, who is widely regarded as perhaps the biggest Cnut in the whole country, said in the Observer, yesterday, Let no one be in any doubt about the overwhelming scientific evidence that underpins the Copenhagen conference. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change brings together over 4,000 scientists from every corner of the world. Their recent work has sharpened, not diminished, the huge and diverse body of evidence of human-made global warming. Its landmark importance cannot be wished away by the theft of a few emails from one university research centre. On the contrary, the pernicious anti-scientific backlash that the emails have unleashed has exposed just what is at stake.Like his idiot pal, Prescott, Brown has plucked the figure of 4,000 scientists out of thin air. There aren’t 4,000 contributing scientists to the IPCC, as I pointed out a few weeks ago. Why aren’t our most senior politicians in command of the facts? How can they expect us to beleive that they can control the weather if they can't get such basic matters clear in the minds?Simple numbers like 4,000 and simple facts about the structure and operation of the IPCC ought to be well within their grasp. The purpose of the climate change deniers' campaign is clear, and the timing no coincidence. It is designed to destabilise and undermine the efforts of the countries gathering in Copenhagen today.Too bloody right we want to destabilise and undermine the big party at Copenhagen, Mr. Brown. The reason is that you’re a bunch of self-serving Cnuts, who can’t even get your own facts straight. This much is plain: you don’t know what you’re talking about, nobody voted for you to be PM, and nobody voted for the action you are committing the UK to at Copenhagen. You should worry less about the made up 'scientific consensus', and think more about what public opinion says. |
Reclaim YOUR Future
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
Reclaim YOUR Future
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

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